DarkWater Documentary

The Foundation has partnered with Glenn Hall Photography on the production of DarkWater, a feature-length documentary film exploring the local economic and ecological impact of one invasive species: Asian carp in the rivers and lakes of the Ohio River Valley and beyond. Currently in pre-production, DarkWater is set to be released toward the end of 2013.
Deliberately and accidentally, invasive aquatic species have been introduced into American rivers and lakes where they now thrive. Almost without exception, these species have demonstrated their capacity to detrimentally reproduce and reduce, rather than increase, aquatic biodiversity. Their economic impact is significant, both locally and nationally. In fewer than forty years, Asian carp have spread from their initial limited introduction in Arkansas to eight states along the Mississippi River and its tributaries, including the Illinois, Missouri, Cumberland, Tennessee and Ohio Rivers. In terms of rivers alone, this gives the carp a range of well over 7,000 miles through thirteen states. Their numbers are increase dramatically in both rivers and lakes – over 56% of fish collected during a 2010 survey in Kentucky and Barkley Lakes were Asian carp – and publically mandated efforts for control remain unfocused and unsuccessful. DarkWater promises to bring not only a new, objective voice to regional discussions among professional and sports fishermen and local regulators, but also a broader public awareness and engagement in national discussions of invasive aquatic species. For more information, visit http://darkwaterdoc.com/
We are actively fundraising for this project. Please consider sponsoring this wonderful educational project by clicking here!!
Photographs from the production of Dark Water:
Video clip about the Asian Carp Madness Event held on March 12, 2013:
This clip features Ron Brooks with Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources talking about the Carp Madness event that had teams of commercial angelers competing to corral the growing population of Asian carp in Kentucky and Barkley Lakes.
To donate to this project, please contact our office (270) 908-4545 or email admin@jpf.org.
You can also donate via paypal by clicking here.